Monday, November 23, 2009

Author :- Jaymala

Listening Practice
Improve your perception skills with these beginning take perception comprehension quizzes.

These perception
selections concern everyday subjects much as understanding numbers, making
plans and asking about prices.
  • Man Taking a Survey
  • How Much Does It Cost?
  • Making a Dinner Reservation
  • Making Plans for the Evening
  • Understanding Numbers 1
  • Understanding Numbers 2
  • Telling the Time
Speaking Help for Beginners
These pages will support you with speaking skills including pronunciation and basic dialogues that you can follow for role-playing.
  • Basic arts Conversations
  • Saying Hello
  • Introducing Yourself and Friends
  • I'd Like a Sandwich - Restaurant Dialogue
  • Going Shopping
  • Ask and Answer Questions - 50 Basic arts Questions
  • Introduction to Phonetics
  • English Pronunciation Exercises
  • Pronunciation - Consonants
  • Pronunciation - Vowels Reading

Comprehension Practice
These short reading selections will support you with your reading skills. The topics include basics much as employed in an office, cooking and friends.
  • A New Office
  • Cooking
  • Filling in a Form Introductions
  • The Meeting
  • My Friend Peter
Review the Basics
These tests will support you review beginning take arts grammar and vocabulary.
  • Beginning arts Grammar Review Quiz
  • Beginning arts Fill in the Gap Quiz - Key Words

What Type of Word?
These pages support you use other important words in arts much as adjectives (hot, big, fast, etc.) and adverbs (carefully, always, sometimes, etc.), as well as the comparative (good - better, happy - happier, etc,) and the superlative (the worst, the most difficult, etc.)
  • Adverbs - Describing How Something is Done
  • Adjectives - Describing What Something or Someone is Like
  • Countries and Languages
  • Comparing People, Places and Things - Comparatives and Superlatives
  • Asking about Things - Question Words
  • Adverbs of Frequency
Tense and Verb Form Quizzes
Use these quizzes to test your knowledge of precise tense conjugation and verb forms.
  • I work on Saturdays. - Present Simple Quiz
  • Tom's watching TV. - Present Continuous Quiz
  • She's employed or She works? - Present Simple vs. Present Continuous Quiz
  • I worked yesterday. - Past Simple Quiz

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